Equipe de Recherche de Prof. Dr. Hartmann

Nanotechnologie et Recherche Nanostructure

Adresse à contacter:

Institut de Physique Experimentale
Université de la Sarre
Bâtiment C6.3, 4ème Étage
Code Postal 151150
D-66041 Sarrebruque
Tél.: +49681 302-3799 / 2972

Université de la Sarre

Fax: +49681 302-3790

Conférences: Special Topics of Nanotechnology, WS 2005/2006

Remarques générales


Presentation: the group presentation/ report of duration of 30 minutes, plus 15 minutes discussion time is required for graded or ungraded certificates. Usually a group should consist of 2 persons. The presentation topic and time will be announced and can be taken out from the table. The successful presentation depends on some important conditions:

The duration of presentation should be exactly 30 minutes and not over. The presentation should represent the research area in general and it should be clearly explained and at certain necessary points it should be described with a deep scientific understanding.

The main criteria for measuring in this case are level of understanding, completeness, correctness and a comprehensive presentation. Both team members should allow half of the presenting duration to each other. The presentation procedures and media (Power Point, Board, Overhead-Projector) can be chosen at convenience. In this case, the chosen procedure is not a measure of the quality of presentation. The presentation in English is appreciated and will carry a special bonus point.

After the presentation, the 15-minutes discussion time is allowed for the audience to put questions, place comments or any remarks. The more exact and complete the answers are, the better will be the evaluation on the discussion. An electronic form of the presentation should be made available (ppt, pdf, etc.), on CD/ Memory-Stick at secretary 4. OG., Building C 6.3 or can be sent to secretary.hartmann@mx.uni-saarland.de before the presentation, so that it can be shown on the website for other lecture participants.

Literature can be obtained from Ms. Dipl.-Phys. Juliane Ißle (Building C 6.3, Room 1.02a). You may also contact Ms. Ißle for scientific background information.



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Sujets d'Examen
Travaux Pratiques Avancés
Formation Professionelles
Divers Sujets


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